Mario Saenz at the Old City of Jerusalem
Hello! I’m Mario Sáenz, professor of philosophy at LeMoyne College in Syracuse, New York. I’ve been honored to receive awards for my teaching, scholarship, and service including the LeMoyne College Joseph C. Georg endowed professorship, Hispanic Heritage Month Honored Educator , and LeMoyne College Scholar of the Year. I have been invited to speak at conferences across the United States and around the world (London, Nairobi, Caracas, Lima, Cordoba, Rome, Athens, Beijing). I have served twice as chair of the philosophy department and am the former director of the integral honors program.

I led Le Moyne’s first honors course taught abroad. The World of the Other, taught in Guatemala, took Le Moyne honors students to some of the most beautiful and historic, yet poorest locales in the world. I envisioned and designed the course, obtained funding to allow students of all means to participate, and organized all the travel and logistics. Students in this course found it to be a life-changing experience.

¡Hola! Soy Mario Sáenz, profesor de filosofía en Le Moyne College en Syracuse, Nueva York. He tenido el honor de recibir premios por mi enseñanza, beca y servicio, incluida la cátedra Joseph C. Georg de Le Moyne College, Educador de Honor del Mes de la Herencia Hispana y Académico del año  de Le Moyne College  y he sido invitado a hablar en conferencias en varias ciudades y universidades: en Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, Cambridge, Londres, Nairobi, Caracas, Lima, Córdoba (Argentina), Santiago de Chile, México, Roma, Atenas, Pekín y otras más. De 1997 a 2000 y nuevamente de 2010 a 2013 me desempeñé como director del departamento de filosofía, y de 2000 a 2003 fui director del programa integral de honores en mi universidad.
Dirigí el primer curso de honores de Le Moyne impartido en el extranjero. El mundo del otro, impartido en Guatemala, llevó a los estudiantes de honores de Le Moyne a algunos de los sitios y lugares más importantes de la historia y cultura guatemaltecas. A los estudiantes de este curso les pareció una experiencia que les cambió la vida.


My scholarship is widely recognized in my field. I’ve received invitations to speak from Venezuela’s Council of the Arts Philosophy Congress, where I was one of the principal speakers, and Fourth Encounter of the Intellectuals and Artists’ Network in Defense of Humanity in Rome, Italy, among others.

I’ve published numerous journal articles and book chapters as well as two books. Most recently “Ideality and Intersubjectivity: Dialectics and Analectics in a Philosophy of Liberation” appeared in Decolonizing Ethics: The Critical Theory of Enrique Dussel, edited by Amy Allen and Eduardo Mendieta, Penn State University Press, 2021.


The diverse variety of philosophical subjects that I bring to the classroom greatly en­hances the students’ ability to articulate their life-experiences in more cosmopolitan ways. I teach so-called traditional philosophical authorities, such as Descartes, Hobbes, Locke, Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Ortega y Gasset, and Sartre in my core courses; but I teach also feminist theorists such as de Beauvoir, Benhabib, Bordo, and Lugones, and I try to motivate my students to explore the undercurrents of gender, race, and class that flow underneath apparently fixed philosophical concepts.



+1 (315) 445-4100


Philosophy Department
Le Moyne College
1419 Salt Springs Rd.
Syracuse, New York 13214


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+1 (315) 445-4100


Philosophy Department
Le Moyne College
1419 Salt Springs Rd.
Syracuse, New York 13214

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