I’ve participated in many conferences where I have presented papers and/or moderated or participated on panels, a significant number by invitation of the organization.
- “Subjectivity, Subjectification, and Alterity: Contradiction and Negation in the Logics of Liberation and Oppression.” World Congress of Philosophy, Beijing, China, August 12-20, 2018.
- Moderator of Gender, Race, and Liberation AFYL Panel. World Congress of Philosophy, Beijing, China, August 12-20, 2018.
- “Ideality and Intersubjectivity in the Dialectic: Hegel, Marx, and Dussel.” International Symposium: Decolonizing Ethics: Enrique Dussel’s Ethics of Liberation. April 13, 2018. Penn State University, April 12-14, 2018.
- “A Distinct Multitude/ A Pueblo Different in Itself.” 2015 Fleishhacker Chair Conference in Philosophy. University of San Francisco. April 18, 2015
- Commentator on “American Indigenism and Democracy: Assimilation, Pluralism, and Autonomy,” by Kim Díaz. Fleishhacker Chair Conference in Philosophy. University of San Francisco. April 17, 2015
- “The Revolutionary Subject: Marx, Menchú, Payeras.” Radical Philosophy Association Conference, November 6-9, 2014
- XVII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía, April 7-11, 2014: “El sujeto revolucionario y el ‘trabajo vivo’. Marx, Menchú y Payeras”
- “Violence and Liberation in Peripheral Nations,” World Congress of Philosophy, University of Crete, Athens, Greece, August 4-10, 2013.
- “Democracy, Transition to Socialism, and Hegemony,” Panelist, VI International Philosophy Forum,“ Maracaibo, Venezuela, November 28-December 6, 2011.
- “Modernity, Postmodernity, and Hegemony: From the Transcendental to the Relational Self,” Conferencist, VI International Philosophy Forum, Maracaibo, Venezuela, Novemebr 28-December 6, 2011.
- A Distinct Multitude / A Pueblo Different In Itself: Dussel and Negri at the Chiasmus of Revolutionary Praxis,” International Association of Philosophy and Literature, London, July 2009.
- “Hacia una crítica dependentista de la teoría del imperio,” IV Encuentro Mundial de Intelectuales y Artistas en Defensa de la Humanidad, October 11-13, 2006, FAO, Rome, Italy
- “El marxismo y su circunstancia: Releyendo a Marx desde el centro/releyendo a Marx desde la periferia.” Panel on Capitalismo vs. Socialismo. I Foro Internacional de filosofía de Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela. July 7, 2005.
- “Filosofía, política e imperialismo.” Panelists: Mario Sáenz, Franz Hinkelammert, Enrique Dussel, Giuseppe Cacciatore, Antonio Scocoza, and Wladimir Acosta. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, July 8, 2005.
- “Imperialismo y alternativas revolucionarias.” Panelists: Mario Sáenz, Georges Labica, Sirio López Velasco, and Thalia Fung. Galería del Consejo Legislativo, Barcelona (Anzoátegui), Venezuela, July 11, 2005.
- “Desde la nada del capital a la producción biopolítica de la exterioridad: Un análisis de las lecturas de Marx en Dussel y Hardt/Negri..” Panel on the philosophy of liberation (Panel participants: Mario Sáenz, Mario Casalla, Dorando Michelini, and Juan Scannone). Congreso de Filosofía Iberoamericana,Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile, May 18-20, 2005.
- “Imperio … Dependencia.” Nineth International Interdisciplinary Congress of Río Cuarto, Río Cuarto, Argentina, November 3-5, 2004.
- “El trabajo vivo y la construcción epistémica-ideológica de la experiencia ética de la democracia y la igualdad.” Ninth International Interdisciplinary Congress of Río Cuarto, Río Cuarto, Argentina, November 3-5, 2004.
- From Dialectics to Analectics: Globalization, Dependency Theory, and Marxism in Dussel’s Thought.” XXV International Congress, Latin American Studies Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 7-9, 2004.
- “From the Political Economy of Empire to the Latin American Philosophy of Dependency.” Alterglobalizations Workshop, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, August 3-13, 2004.
- “De la dialéctica a la analéctica en el pensamiento de Enrique Dussel.” XV Congreso Interamericano de Filosofía. Lima, January 12-16, 2004.
- “Tolerancia, Diversidad e Imperialismo.” XV Congreso Interamericano de Filosofía. Lima, January 12-16, 2004.
- “The Material and Formal Elements of Rationality in Dussel’s Ética de la liberación.” Panel on Dussel’s Ethics of Liberation. American Philosophy Association, December 29, 2003, Washington, D.C.
- “From Dialectics to Analectics in the Thought of Enrique Dussel.” International Colloquium: El papel de la filosofía en el patrimonio inmaterial de los países del mediterráneo Americano.” Havana, 20-24 November, 2002.
- “Author Meets Critics”: Panel on my book, The Identity of Liberation in Latin American Thought. American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, 2001.
- “Cultural Marginalization, Class Struggle, and Globalization in Latin American Thought: From Mariátegui to Dussel and Menchú.” 13th Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers and Social Scientists. La Habana, Cuba. June 2001.
- “From poiesis to Alienated praxis: Dussel’s Analectical Appropriation of Marx.” 12th Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers and Social Scientists. La Habana, Cuba, June 19-23, 2000.
- “The Other from the Other: Clavijero’s History of Ancient Mexico.” American Academy of Religion. Orlando, FLA, November 21-24, 1998.
- “Dussel on Marx: Dussel’s Conceptualization of Living Labor and the Materiality of Life.” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Denver, CO, October 8-11, 1998.
- “Cultural Identity and Multiculturalism.” American Philosophical Association. New York, NY. December 27-30, 1995.
- “Bourgeois Law and Neocolonial Marginalia.” Law and Society Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ. June 15-19, 1994.
- “Cultural Identity and Class Struggle in Latin American Thought.” Socialist Scholars Conference (twelfth meeting), New York, NY. April 1-3, 1994.
- “Subject-Centered Modernity and The Latin American Philosophy of Liberation.” The Society for Utopian Studies Conference (eighteenth meeting), St. Louis, MO. November 4-7, 1993.
- “Modernity, Inauthenticity, and the Latin American Philosophy of Liberation.” The Central States Philosophical Association Conference, Rolla, MO. October 15-16, 1993.
- “Memory, Enchantment, and Salvation: Latin American Philosophies of Liberation and the Religions of the Oppressed.” World Conference of Philosophy, Nairobi, Kenya. July 21-25, 1991
- “Reflections on Modernization and the Crisis of Modernity.” World Conference of Philosophy, Nairobi, Kenya. July 21-25, 1991.
- “The Latin American ‘Search for Identity’: A Eurocentric Secretion?” Colloquium on Cultural Readings of Latin American Texts and Literature, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. June 8, 1990.
- “Romanticism, Disengagement, and the Rise of Positivism in Latin America.” Great Lakes Colleges Association Latin America Conference, Hope College, Hope, MI. November 13-14, 1987.
- “Latin American Philosophies of Liberation and Subject-Centered Modernity.” SUNY-Cortland, October 15, 2015.
- “Latin American Philosophy and the Struggle Against U.S. Imperialism.” Onondaga County Public Library. October 29, 2003.
- “Presentación del libro Mensaje de América.” XVIII Feria Internacional del Libro, Salón de Rectores, Palacio de Minería, Mexico City, February 27, 1997.
- “The Latin American Philosophy of Liberation and Postmodern Thought.” University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME. March 11, 1993.
- “Modernity, Cultural Identity, and the Latin American Philosophy of Liberation.” Latino Heritage Month, Le Moyne College, October 29, 1991.
- “History of Ideas, Philosophy of History, and the Idea of Liberation in Latin American Thought.” Forum for Cooperation Among Developing Countries, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. April 12, 1990.
- Panel Chair: Ethics, Political Economy, and Society in the Thought of Enrique Dussel. XXV International Congress, Latin American Studies Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 7-9, 2004.
- Panel Moderator: Critical Responses to Dussel’s Philosophy. Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Denver, CO. October 8-10, 1998.
- Panel Chair: Social Class, and the Politics of Gender and Cultural Identity. Socialist Scholars Conference, New York, NY. April 1-3, 1994.
- Panel Participant: The Columbus Quincentenary: Reclaiming This Land: Teach-in 1. “Survival Issues in Our Community.” Southwest Community Center, Syracuse, NY. October 12, 1992.
- Panel Chair: Problems in the Philosophy of Law. World Conference of Philosophy, Nairobi, Kenya. July 21-25, 1991.
- Panel Participant: The Murder of the Jesuits in El Salvador. Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY. November 1989.
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