My scholarship is widely recognized in my field. I’ve published two books as well as numerous journal articles and book chapters. Most recently, “Ideality and Intersubjectivity: Dialectics and Analectics in a Philosophy of Liberation” appeared in Decolonizing Ethics: The Critical Theory of Enrique Dussel, edited by Amy Allen and Eduardo Mendieta, Penn State University Press, 2021.


Latin American Perspectives on Globalization: Ethics, Politics, Alternative Visions, editor, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002

This is a significant contribution to Latin American philosophy. It gathers in one volume internationally well-known figures in Latin American philosophy and criticism. Leopoldo Zea, Ofelia Schutte, Walter Mignolo, Raúl Fornet, Jorge Gracia, Eduardo Mendieta, and Debra Castillo, among others, wrote original essays for this volume. I conceived and carried out this project in order to bring to an English-reading public important reflections on globalization from the perspective of significant Latin American intellectuals. Contemporary conditions of inequality, new critiques and constructions of identity, as well as projects of liberation in light of the conditions produced by “globalized” capitalism were the principal topics treated in this text. This work was blind refereed. Rowman & Littlefield has a 15% acceptance rate (see folder titled “Publications B”).

The Identity of Liberation in Latin American Thought: Latin American Historicism and the Phenomenology of Leopoldo Zea, Lanham: Lexington Books, 1999

Through a close examination of philosopher Leopoldo Zea’s historicist phenomenology, I offer fresh insights into the role of Mexican intellectuals in the creation of a Latin American “philosophy of liberation.” Specifically, I analyze Zea’s thought to show how it used the nationalistic and mestizo theory and practice of the Mexican Revolution to, in the words of the Cuban literary critic González Echeverría, “recover the colonial [and, I would add, post-independence] archive.” Lexington Books has an acceptance rate of 25% of unsolicited submissions (see folder titled “publications B”). This work was “blind refereed.”


  • “Pueblo and Exteriority in the Thought of Enrique Dussel” in Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies. Edited by Sara Motta and others. 2021
  • “Ideality and Intersubjectivity.” In Decolonizing Ethics. Edited by Eduardo Mendieta. Penn State Series in Critical Theory. Penn State University Press, 2021.
  • “El trabajo vivo y la construcción epistémica–ideológica de la experiencia ética de la democracia y la igualdad: Enrique Dussel y las multitudes de Hardt y Negri.” In Ojos que ven, oídos que escuchan: La Filosofía de la Liberación de Enrique Dussel. Edited by Lutz Alexander Keferstein Caballero, Juan Manuel Contreras Colín, and Mario Rojas Hernández. Querétaro: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, 2017.
  • “La filosofía de la liberación ¿como un historicismo de la alteridad? Del historicismo analéctico al trabajo vivo,” in  Liberación, Interculturalidad e Historia de las Ideas, Pensamiento Filosófico en América latina, José Santos Herceg (editor), Santiago de Chile: Colección IDEA, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 2013.
  • “De la economía política del imperio a la filosofía latinoamericana de la dependencia.” In Trabajo, Riqueza, Inclusión, edited by Dorando J. Michelini, Jutta H. Wester, Niucolás Ariño, and Eduardo O. Romero. Río Cuarto, Argentina: Ediciones del ICALA, 2004. In this work, I analyze significant developments in contemporary theory of globalization, specifically, Hardt and Negri’s Empire and Multitude. I evaluate them critically in terms of Dussel’s new dependency theory.
  • “Dussel on Marx: Living Labor and the Materiality of Life.” In Thinking from the Underside of History: Enrique Dussel’s Philosophy of Liberation, edited by Linda Alcoff and Eduardo Mendieta. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000. In this essay I analyze in depth Dussel’s appropriation of Marx through Schelling, Levinas, and dependency theory. Also, I present a novel interpretation of the distinction between rationalist and anti-rationalist philosophical currents by elucidating on “the praxis of validity” in Habermas and “the poiesis of meaning” in Dussel.
  • “Cartesian Autobiography/Postcartesian Testimonials.” In Feminist Interpretations of Descartes, edited by Susan Bordo. Rereading the Canon Series. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 1999. This volume is part of the prestigious “Re-reading the Canon” series. Penn State University Press has a 12% acceptance rate (see folder titled “Publications B”). I compare Cartesian descriptions/obliterations of the narrative subject, on the one hand, and the communitarian subject that appears in contemporary fictional testimonials, such as Naylor’s Mama Day. Also, I introduce the reader to Rodolfo Kusch’s work on symbols.
  • “Rigoberta Menchú: ‘A quien muy pronto le nació la conciencia'” In Las desobedientes: biografías sobre mujeres latinoamericanas, edited by María Mercedes Jaramillo and Betty Osorio. Bogotá: Editorial Panamericana, 1997. In this essay, I introduce the reader to Rigoberta Menchú Tum’s human rights activism. A second edition was published in 2018.


  • “Life and Ethics: On Dussel’s Ethics of Liberation.” The Journal of Religion 97, no. 2 (April 2017): 244-258.
  • “El sujeto revolucionario y el trabajo vivo.” Analéctica. Revista electronica del pensamiento actual. Year 0, Number 5. 27 June 2014.
  • “La filosofía de la liberación ¿como un historicismo de la alteridad? Del historicismo analéctico al trabajo vivo,” in  Liberación, Interculturalidad e Historia de las Ideas, Pensamiento Filosófico en América latina, José Santos Herceg (editor), Santiago de Chile: Colección IDEA, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 2013.
  • ““Pueblo and Multitude: On the Thought of Dussel and Hardt/Negri.” In Pluriversalism: Modernism, Multiplicity, Indifference. Edited by William Watkin. Waltham: Lexington Books
  • “Leopoldo Zea: Identidad, circunstancia y liberación.” Estudios. Filosofía Práctica e Historia de las Ideas. Vol. 7 (October), 2006. Universidad del Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina.
  • “Living Labor in Marx.. ” Radical Philosophy, 9:2, 2006.
  • Imperio … Dependencia.” Erasmus, VII, 1, 2005.
  • “The Material and Formal Elements of Rationality in Dussel’s Ética de la liberación.” APA Newsletters: Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy, IV, 1, Fall 2004, 10-13.
  • “Tolerancia, diversidad e imperialismo.” Asociación de Filosofía y Liberación. Artículos en línea. (last accessed: Febreuary 7, 2004).
  • “From Dialectics to Analectics in the Thought of Enrique Dussel.” Erasmus, V, 1/2, 2003: 225-240, 2003. This work appeared in a special issue of the philosophy of liberation, thirty years after its “founding” in Argentina. All of the members of the first generation of this philosophical movement wrote for this issue; I and another writer are the only two contributors belonging to a later generation of philosophers.
  • “Review of Enrique Dussel’s The Invention of the Americas.” Continental Philosophy Review, 31: 425-434, 1998. This is a substantial book review. It was published in Continental Philosophy Review (formerly Man and World) in late 1998 (see folder titled “Publications A”). It is a critical analysis of Dussel’s The Invention of the Americas in the context of other works by Dussel. This journal has a 10% acceptance rate (Directory of American Philosophers, 1998-1999.) This work was “blind refereed.”
  • “Philosophies of Liberation and Modernity: The Case of Latin America.” Philosophy Today, 38:2 (Summer 1994), 115-134.
  • “Memory, Enchantment and Salvation: Latin American Philosophies of Liberation and the Religions of the Oppressed.” Philosophy and Social Criticism 17:2 (April 1991), pp. 149-173.
  • “The Stoic Tension: A Study of Kant, Hegel, and Marx.” Kinesis XII:2 (Spring 1983), pp. 55-80.
  • “Preliminaries on Hegel’s Christianity and the Atheistic Appropriation of Hegel.” Letras (faculty newsletter of St. Augustine Community College, Chicago, IL) I:1 (Fall 1986), pp. 11-14.


  • Evaluation for Journal of World Philosophies 2019
  • Evaluation of “Politics is not Just Rhetoric” for Continental Philosophy Review (2018)
  • Evaluation of “Value and Violation: Toward a Decolonial Analytic of Capital” for Radical Philosophy Review (2018)
  • Evaluation of “21st Century Socialism for Latin America” for Radical Philosophy Review (2017)
  • Evaluation for Ixtli: Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía de la Educación of “Filosofia e educacao no pensamento do Leopoldo Zea.” April 2013
  • Evaluation of “Ecclesial Opposition to Large-Scale Mining on Samar: Neoliberalism Meets the Church of the Poor” for Religions 2012
  • Evaluatiopn of “Liberating Liberation Theologies” for Sophia 2011
  • Evaluation for publisher of manuscript being reviewed for publication: Decolonizing Epistemologies: Latina/o Theology and Philosophy. Edited byAda María Isazi Díaz and Eduardo Mendieta. New York: Fordham University Press, 2011
  • Translation of Enrique Dussel, “The Formal Thought of Jürgen Habermas from the Perspective of a Universal Material Ethics.” In Perspectives on Habermas, edited by Lewis E. Hahn Chicago: Open Court, 2000.
  • Evaluation of Eduardo Mendieta and Ada María Isazi Díaz, Subjugated Knowledge: Decolonizing Epistemology. Fordham University Press (2011)
  • Evaluation of English Translation (María Lugones) of Rodolfo Kusch, Indigenous and Popular Thinking in America. Duke University Press (2010)
  • Evaluation of Eduardo Mendieta, Global Fragments (Rowman & Littlefield, 2004).
  • Evaluation of article on Lévinas and Habermas. (Continental Philosophy Review, 2003).
  • Evaluation of Eduardo Mendieta, Latin American Philosophy: Currents, Issues, Debates (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002)
  • Evaluation of Santiago Castro Gómez, “Teoría Tradicional y Teoría Crítica de la Cultura.” For Nepantla: Views from the South (Duke University Journal). February 2000 (Published).
  • Evaluation of Susana Nuccetelli, Latin American Philosophy. Westview Press, 2000 (Published in 2001).
  • Evaluation of “Self-Awareness in Colonial Latin American Philosophy” to determine suitability of publication in Journal of the History of Philosophy.
  • The Liberation from Identity: Enrique Dussel and The Trans-modern Critique of Reason (tentative title). On the “analectical” philosophy of liberation; that is, on the discursive practices of liberation by the Other—those who in themselves are nothing to the system of domination.
Cover of Decolonizing Ethics
Routledge Handboook of Transformative Global Studies book cover
Latin American Perspectives on Globalization book cover
The Identity of Liberation in Latin American Thought book cover



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